MIRAVALE 404 Dempster Road Kalgan WA 6330
For Sale Offers Above $4,800,000
- Property Type Mixed Farming
- Land area approx 350ha
- Region South Coastal
- Council Rates 2931/year
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One of the Kalgan regions Prime Grazing Properties
Miravale has been owned by the same family for over 45 years & they are now reluctantly selling.
Comprising of total area of 350 ha's with an est 280 ha's of grazable pastured country that includes parkland cleared & small shelter belts. The balance includes an estimated 70 hectares of natural bushland, shelter belts & creek lines.
Miravale has a good multi-purpose shed constructed from wood, steel & iron, in good condition, sheep yards constructed from steel, wood & mesh plus a good set of portable steel cattle yards that will stay with the property.
Land use over many years has been grazing sheep & cattle with at time part of the property planted to cereals & canola, currently running beef cattle with good results been achieved by the lease. Results in productivity & stock quality over the years has been excellent.
The property has a good mixed soil type, these comprise of sand over stone over clays, gravel loams, loams & peat flats. Located in a 700 mm rainfall region average (732 mm per year) that produces good strong mixed pastures of ryes, clovers, & small areas of kikuyu. Original vegetation is mixed and includes Jarrah, Red gum, paperbark, & ti tree.
The country has a gentle undulation with some waterways – creek lines & small areas of flats. Average elevation is 56 m above sea level with the highest level at 80 m & the lowest at 40 m.
Well-watered from dam's soaks, creek lines plus a bore. A mix of fencing the comprises of ringlock, plain wire & some electric on wood & steel posts. Some new fencing is planned over the next few months by the owners.
Current stock numbers are 110 breeders. Future capacity for stock levels is underway with approximately 80 hectares of ex tree plantation fully renovated in 2024 by the owners. At present these areas of newly renovated pastures we expect good pasture growth over the coming months, these will be left to set seed for the 2025 season.
Miravale fert over many years is a combination of SR Extra at 125 kg per hectares with selenium and cobalt plus SCMZ applications every 4 years.
For further details and inspection arrangements call
Neville Tutt 0419193500 or Peter Hassell 0429 955 066
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Neville TuttZephyr Real Estate
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Peter HassellZephyr Real Estate