- Greenhouse gases
Gases that affect the temperature of the Earth's surface and have a large bearing on the Earth's climate. They include water vapour, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The 'enhanced greenhouse effect' refers to changes in the Earth's climate as a result of increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activity. (National Forest Policy Statement)
- Gelt
An adult, female sheep that is not in lamb when others are. Often she has been kept away from the ram because of problems at a previous lambing. Gelt ewes are fattened for sale to the meat trade at a time when lamb is in short supply
- Gimmer
A female sheep that has been weaned but not yet sheared. i.e. about 6 months to 15 months old.
- Grass ley
Grass that is sown in the expectation that it will only last for a limited period before being ploughed up. There are short-term leys (1 or 2 years), medium-term leys (up to 5 years) and long-term leys (5-7 years). Beyond that the land will probably be permanent pasture.
- Grower Pellets
The poultry feed equivalent to weaner pellets - suitable for fast growing juvenile birds.