- acre
A unit of land measurement, equivalent to about 4,047m2 or 40% of a hectare
- acreage
An area of land, usually one used for agriculture
- agriculture
Growing crops and raising livestock, typically for consumption
- ambient store
Storing products at room temperature or under normal storage conditions, typicaly between the range of 15° to 25°C
- aphid
A small insect which feeds on the sap from plants and can cause damage to crops
- artificial insemination (AI)
Physically placing semen into the reproductive tract of female livestock with the aim of impregnation
- Avian Influenza
Viruses that occur naturally among wild birds worldwide, but can infect domestic birds and, in some strains, other animals
- afforestation
Planting new forests, typically on degraded agricultural land where they did not previously exist.
- agroforestry
Integrating trees into agricultural practices, by growing them on the same land used by crops or livestock
- apiculture
The keeping of bees for honey.