Top Class Gundagai NSW Rural Property For Sale Via Auction

Renowned Cattle Breeding + Fattening Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

One of Gundagai’s premier rural holdings, ‘Wandeen’ is an ideal cattle breeding and fattening property offered for sale via auction for the first time in 120 years.

Home to the highly-regarded ‘Wandeen Shorthorn Herd’, which enjoy an excellent reputation for being big-bodied cows, the western NSW property has been in the Nicholls family for over a century.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW is among Gundagai’s premier rural holdings and is ideal for cattle breeding and fattening

Under their management, the property has had a strong emphasis on livestock production, pasture and fertiliser programs, and water security. As a result, it is suited to both cattle and sheep as well as cash and fodder crops.

Comprising approximately 2,056.4 hectares (5,081.29 acres) of versatile and productive country with a sound fertiliser history, ‘Wandeen’ has benefitted from a strong emphasis on pasture improvement, with the country on the eastern side of Burra Road seeded with various mixtures of Phalaris, Fescue, Cocksfoot, Clovers, Rye Grass and Prairie Grass.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW comprises 2,056.4 hectares of productive country with sound fertiliser history

Featuring undulating to rolling topography, together with creek flats and accessible hills, the eastern side of the property encompasses approximately 1,558 hectares (3,850 acres) of highly fertile and versatile red loams; while the western side is undulating to hilly grazing country consisting of clay-based loams.

Covering a total area of approximately 485 hectares (1,200 acres), the grazing country features timber species including Round Leaf and Long Leaf Gums, Stringybark and scattered Kurrajongs. Shade and shelter timber species comprise Yellow and White Box, an indication of the quality of the holding.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW is home to the highly-regarded, big-bodied ‘Wandeen Shorthorn Herd’

Securely fenced for a livestock operation into 16 main paddocks, and a number of smaller holding paddocks, ‘Wandeen’ boasts a very conservative carrying capacity of around 400 cows and 5,000 Merino ewes. The property is currently running a Shorthorn cow and calf operation alongside a Merino ewe and lamb enterprise.

Conservatively stocked, it is presently running 291 Pregnancy Tested in Calf (PTIC) cows and PTIC 100 heifers; and at shearing time 3,724 Merino ewes, 1,557 Merino ewe hoggets and 1,440 Merino whether hoggets. Both the cattle and sheep are available to the successful purchaser.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW boasts a carrying capacity of around 400 cows and 5,000 Merino ewes

Water security is a key feature of ‘Wandeen’, with the property boasting three bores, several creeks, 16 dams and highly reliable rainfall (average annual rainfall estimated at 600mm).

Bore water is pumped to tanks across the property and gravity fed through a reticulated livestock water system to 27 troughs, supporting dam water and frontage to the Burra, Bongongolong and semi-permanent Jerusalem creeks.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW boasts secure water via three bores, several creeks, 16 dams and high rainfall

Under the Nicholls family’s management, substantial improvements have also been made to on-farm infrastructure, including the addition of three steel cattle yards, a five-stand shearing shed with steel sheep yards, four steel sheep yards, a 24m x 12m machinery shed/workshop, a new 30m x 16m hay shed, and six silos.

It also includes an all-steel round yard for horses as well as shearers’ quarters with four bedrooms, a classer bedroom, a cook’s bedroom, toilet block, kitchen and dining room, pantry and meat room.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW includes cattle yards, shearing shed/sheep yards, machinery and hay sheds

Centrally located just 10 minutes from Gundagai and an hour and 15 minutes from Wagga Wagga in western NSW, ‘Wandeen’ incorporates a structurally sound homestead constructed around 1906.

Presenting a unique opportunity to be returned to its former glory, the home is enveloped by verandas on three sides and comprises four bedrooms, a bathroom, combined kitchen/dining area, lounge, office and store room.

Rural Property For Sale Gundagai NSW

Above: This rural property for sale Gundagai NSW incorporates a homestead, shearers' quarters and two cottages

Complementing this, the property also houses a two-bedroom cottage with kitchen/dining area, lounge room, and wrap-around veranda; as well as a second cottage encompassing three bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen/dining space, lounge room, sunroom, store room and sleepout. Both cottages are currently rented out.

Occupying the top echelon of properties in Gundagai and surrounding districts, ‘Wandeen’ is offered for sale via auction at 10:30am on Tuesday, December 13 at the Auction Works rooms, Mezzanine Level, 50 Margaret Street, Sydney.

Click on the highlighted link for more information on this rural property for sale Gundagai NSW at 1458 Burra Road, Gundagai.

