Should You Buy a Farm?
Are you ready to buy a farm?
For many, living on a farm seems easier than life in the city – idyllic, even. You can see it in your mind’s eye: mornings spent enjoying the first rays of the golden sun, the sweet crunch of fresh, ripe fruits, and…the overwhelming smell of manure, everywhere you go.
Rural life isn’t just about enjoying the peace and quiet of your own vast property. It also involves intense manual labour, the difficulties of machinery, and the complexities of animal care. Owning and maintaining a farm is certainly a rewarding experience, but the realities of country life may be more challenging than what you expect.
Trying to decide if you're cut out for farm ownership? Take our quiz below to see just how ready you are to run your own farm. Don’t forget to keep track of your choices before checking our answer key! Add up your points to see how suited you are for the farming lifestyle.
1. How much time do you like to spend outside a day?
A. 6+ hours – I hate being cooped up inside all day!
B. 4 to 5 hours – getting some fresh air is always good for the soul.
C. 2 to 3 hours – it’s always pleasant to take a quick walk.
D. 0 to 1 hours– you can always see the sun through a window, why step out?
2. Do you mind getting your hands dirty?
A. Nope – we’re all part of nature, after all.
B. How dirty is dirty? Even I have my limits.
C. I can always go straight inside to wash my hands after, I guess.
D. One word: ew!
3. What’s the furthest you’ve been from a major city centre?
A. 1000 kilometres
B. 100 kilometres
C. 50 kilometres
D. 10 kilometres
4. How frequently do you work out/complete intense physical exercise?
A. Every day
B. A few times a week
C. Once or twice a week
D. …I prefer the couch
5. Do you adapt well to emergencies or changes in plans?
A. I’ve got a contingency for any and every situation.
B. I’m pretty flexible, I can go with the flow.
C. I do my best to avoid any changes to begin with.
D. I'm a bit of a stress-head, so in difficult situations I'd rather others take charge.
6. Do you own a 4WD?
A. Of course!
B. No, but I’m looking to buy!
C. No, do I need one?
D. What does 4WD stand for?
7. How good are you at managing your finances?
A. I’ve got emergency funds and budgeting is my middle name – don’t worry.
B. I save a decent portion of my paycheck and try not to eat out too much.
C. I’ve got some spare cash, somewhere.
D. I’m from the ‘treat yourself’ school of budgeting
8. How comfortable are you with operating and fixing machinery?
A. There’s almost nothing I can’t fix, but I can recognize when I’m out of my depth and need a professional.
B. I’m pretty handy with most tools, and I’ve used large machines before.
C. I can use a hammer and a screwdriver, take it or leave it.
D. Can’t you hire someone to deal with that for you?
9. Do you lead a sustainable lifestyle?
A. Absolutely! I’m always open to learning better eco-friendly practices too.
B. As much as I can – I’m still finding better alternatives for where I fall short.
C. I separate food waste and use bar shampoo if that’s what you mean.
D. I recycle now and then.
10. Which of the following have you driven/ridden? (add up your points for this question)
A. A tractor
B. A horse
C. A quad bike
D. A car
A – 10 points
B – 5 points
C – 2 points
D – 1 point
Pick just one answer for every question and allocate yourself the appropriate number of points, except for question 10, which you may add up your points for.
If you scored 80-100+ points:
There’s a good chance you’re already a farmer or otherwise involved in agribusiness. If not, though, it might be time to purchase your own farm – for someone with your can-do attitude and outdoorsy lifestyle, it’s the perfect choice!
If you scored 60-80 points:
You’re definitely cut out for a life on the land. Perhaps you already own a hobby farm and are considering trading up for a bigger property, but whatever the case, your cool head and DIY talents are definitely wasted in the city.
If you scored 40-60 points:
You’ve got a lot of the important skills that are necessary to successfully manage a farm. Perhaps you’ve always harboured a secret dream of living on the land, but life has gotten in the way. We’re here to say – go for it! Even if you start with a straightforward hobby farm, the country is calling your name.
If you scored 20-40 points:
It would be best for you to start with something safe and simple for your first foray into country living. Try your hand at a hobby farm – it’s a perfect opportunity to get a taste of the farming life before going all in.
If you scored 0-20 points:
You might think the heart of a metropolitan city suits you better than a rural farmhouse, but this may not be the case forever. Consider spending a weekend at a farmstay in the country, or go all in and rent or purchase a small block of land out of the city. You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy it!