Impressive Cattle Property For Sale Kempsey Region NSW
‘Pee Dee Creek’ Boasts High Rainfall, Productive Pastures And Impressive Infrastructure
Combining the best of rural living with prime beef production, this cattle property for sale in the Kempsey region NSW boasts all the benefits of high rainfall, productive pastures and an impressive investment in infrastructure.
Located 60km north-west of Kempsey, 110km north-west of Port Macquarie, and 160km south-west of Coffs Harbour, ‘Pee Dee Creek’ comprises 2,121 hectares (5,239 acres) of predominantly freehold land with a 60-hectare section subject to a perpetual lease and zoned for forestry. Most of the land is zoned RU2 - Rural Landscape with the central section of the property zoned RU1 - Primary Production. A dwelling and agriculture are both permitted uses under RU1 and RU2 zonings.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW benefits from high rainfall, productive pastures and impressive infrastructure
Encompassing a central valley formed by the Pee Dee Creek waterway, the property is gently to moderately undulating, rising to steeper elevations in the south-east, east, west and north-western boundaries. Soils are typical of the region, being relatively shallow sandy loams with some heavier loams along the central creek.
The grazing areas of ‘Pee Dee Creek’ contain scattered trees and shelter belts to balance productivity with soil conservation. The steeper areas are more heavily timbered. Native timber species include apple, grey and blue gum, bloodwood, tallowood, blackbutt, brush box and white mahogany.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW features gently to moderately undulating country, rising to steeper elevations
Native pasture species include setaria, kangaroo grass and winter clovers. Introduced species include Rhodes grass and kikuyu, with some areas planted to ryegrass, chicory and oats as fodder crops. Pasture is mulched and slashed to maintain vitality; while paddocks have had lime added to lift pH of the coastal soils.
Accessible areas with heavier loam soils have been opportunistically planted via direct drilling to a mixture of ryegrass, chicory, Haifa white clover, Wynn cassia and oats to supplement winter fodder.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW offers excellent water security from access to numerous waterways including Macleay River
Water security at ‘Pee Dee Creek’ is excellent. Supplementing average annual rainfall of 1,167mm, stock water is provided by 84 dams in addition to multiple waterways including: the Macleay River (small frontage); Pee Dee Creek, which runs centrally through the property; Sheep Station Creek; Moses Gully; Yard Gully; Jacks Gully; Volunteer Order Gully; Cow Bail Gully; and Policemans Gully.
An electric pump on the Macleay River supplies two 22,500-litre poly tanks in the southern portion of the property that is gravity fed to the house, sheds and troughs in the holding yards.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW sources stock water from approximately 84 dams in addition to multiple waterways
The tanks can also be filled from Pee Dee Creek. A solar pump with petrol back-up is located on Pee Dee Creek waterway next to the cattle yards. It supplies two 20,000-litre poly tanks on the western side of the yards. The tanks gravity feed to two troughs at the yards. Rainwater is collected from the roof of most sheds and the house.
There has also been considerable investment in fencing infrastructure. The property has been subdivided into around 53 main paddocks with additional holding paddocks located centrally near the cattle yards and in the southern portion near the house and sheds. Fencing is generally in good condition and consists predominantly of four-barb wires and four-barb plus plain wire. The cattle yards holding paddock consists of post and rail fencing.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW features impressive fencing infrastructure and multiple roads to access most of the holding
To facilitate easy access to most of the property, a well-maintained private gravel road runs centrally through ‘Pee Dee Creek’, providing access to the improvements, cattle yards and paddocks. There are multiple subsidiary access roads to paddocks that are also kept in good order. A gravel road runs from just north of the cattle yards to neighbouring property ‘Arrowdell’ that has been operated in conjunction with ‘Pee Dee Creek’.
The property has been operated as a cattle breeding operation by the current owner for nearly 20 years and has a carrying capacity of approximately 500 cows and calves with weaners being turned off, although this could be increased with more intensive pasture management combined with opportunistic and regular winter forage cropping.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW's excellent infrastructure also encompasses multiple machinery sheds and a workshop
Due to the quality of the infrastructure and laneways, a rotational grazing program is easily implemented on the property.
The property’s excellent infrastructure also encompasses two steel-framed machinery sheds, both with concrete floors, a steel-framed workshop with concrete floor, a timber-framed garage, and extensive set of centrally located steel cattle yards with a capacity for 170 cows and calves.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW offers an extensive set of well-located steel cattle yards with a capacity for 170 cows and calves
Easily accessed by trucks via the central gravel road, the modern cattle yards feature a covered calf race and cradle, concrete race floor, undercover work area (concreted), vet crush with water connected, scales, drafting pound, loading ramp, and troughs in holding yards.
Additionally, the property includes yards and small paddocks suitable for horses located close to the house.
This rural property for sale Kempsey region NSW includes a brick-veneer home offering four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and modern kitchen
Complementing the farm infrastructure, the property boasts a brick-veneer home offering four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a modern kitchen, an open-plan living room, office and a sunroom.
Located on the southern portion of the property, the home is set amid established lawns and gardens and features a front veranda with a northerly aspect. A two-car carport adjoins the home.
Click on the following link for more information on this impressive rural property for sale in the Kempsey Region, NSW.