Sam Johnston

Sam Johnston

Sales & Marketing / 20175065
Johnston Rural Group

About Sam Johnston

Sam Johnston can be described as an agricultural enthusiast and young industry trailblazer who has a strong rural background, born and bred just west of Forbes in central west NSW. 


His passion is to be the link between producer and consumer, city and bush and does his best to promote Australia's agricultural industry and its primary producers wherever he goes. 


After finishing his Bachelor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Sydney, Sam joined the Meares & Associates (Sydney) team as a rural property sales & marketing specialist, where he worked for 3 year period.


Since returning to Forbes after purchasing his own rural property in 2020, Sam has been completing a Bachelor of Property Valuation which he will finish at the end of 2023.


Overall he is a strong advocate for the agricultural sector and its farmers as seen by his efforts as co-founder of the social media organisation and movement #ThankAFarmerForYourNextMeal, as well as being named a 2019 Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Rural Achiever and evokeAG. 2020 Future Young Leader.


'Walla Wallah' Homestead, 1278 Lachlan Valley Way Forbes NSW 2871

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