Janelle Duffin
About Janelle Duffin
Janelle is a fully licensed real estate agent and Principal of Ray White Rural Mundubbera. She has extensive experience in livestock industries including dairy, feedlots, pigs and beef grazing enterprises. Janelle grew up on her family’s dairy farm at Samford, outside Brisbane, and pursued her love of the land by completing an Applied Science Degree in Rural Technology at the UQ – Gatton. She then spent the next 9 years working as a sales representative and nutritionist for a stockfeed mill based in Murgon, working closely with clients to optimize their production and profitability. During this time, Janelle also completed a Master of Agriculture degree. Since 2002, Janelle has coupled raising three children with assisting her husband Glen in managing their beef grazing enterprise at Monogorilby, outside Mundubbera. Janelle and Glen have also personally bought and sold a number of residential investment properties giving them an understanding of the requirements of investors from both a long-term landlord and speculative position. As part of the Ray White Rural Group, Australia’s market leader in rural property and regional residential sales, Janelle is positioned to provide her clients with the best service in buying or selling their rural, residential or investment property.
2021/2022 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Mundubbera
2020/2021 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Mundubbera
2018/2019 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Mundubbera

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Janelle DuffinRay White Rural Mundubbera