About ABC Property Sales
ABC Property Sales
ABC Property Sales located in Tottenham, Lake Cargelligo and Hillston and covering a huge area of Central NSW, the team consists of Averill Berryman, Licensee in Charge with 24 years of experience, Craig Tyack, well known Central West Identity, Nicole O’Neill - Rural Sales Specialist and Melissa Hall - Property Manager Extraordinaire’. The travelling Agents, we come to you. We bring a world of experience in the Rural sector.
Averill 0428 426 911 Craig 0428 729 167 Nicole 0400 488 378 Mel 0447 184 146
Office Website
![ABC Property Sales Logo](/_files/_agencylogos/5a04cd48f2b84279716dc7978c6d3cd6_20240213103931.png)
42 Foster Street
Lake Cargelligo
42 Foster Street
Lake Cargelligo