Cnr Of Dwarroon & Hopkins Falls Road Cudgee, 3265 VIC
Investment and Development country on Warrnambool’s Fringe
Situated directly North West of the Cudgee Township ripe for development. (STCA) Ideally suited for investment and land banking purposes either immediately, mid or long term.
Low density Residential zoning.
Road frontages on three sides including Hopkins Falls and Dwarroon Roads. Delightful treed frontage to the meandering Brucknell Creek.
Ideally healthy limestone, elevated outpaddock country suited for dairy and beef cattle.
Close commute to both Warrnambool and Allansford. With the renowned attraction of the Hopkins River falls less than 1km away.
Features include fertile former dairy platform country with strong ryegrass based pastures, well subdivided and tracked. Limestone quarry opportunities.
Only 18km from Warrnambool CBD and to 48km Peterborough on the Great Ocean road (Shipwreck Coast).
Nick Adamson 0418 571 589
Will Lord 0434 239 772
For Sale Contact Agent
Inspection of this property is available strictly by arrangement only.
Nick Adamson