0 (Lot 25) Lindy Drive Rules Beach, 4674 QLD


19.12 hectares of peace and serenity, situated in Rules Beach, this parcel of land offers nature at your doorstep. Behind the property you will find Rules Beach which runs several miles long, perfect for an afternoon stroll or swim and on the right-hand side is Baffle Creek providing boat ramps to enjoy everything the creek and islands have to offer. Just minutes from Baffle Creek Tav, Café, Liquor Store, Convenience Store and Petrol Station.

Land Features:
Size - 19.12 Ha / 47.24 Acres
Street frontage - 233.0m
Length - 922.0m (Left) & 816.8m (Right)
Rear - 215.4m
Septic system required - non sewerage

Rules Beach - 5min
Flat Rock Picnic Area/Boat Ramp - 5min
Wartburg State School - 8min
Baffle Creek Convenience Store & Petrol Station - 11min
Wreck Rock Café - 11min
Baffle Creek Liquor Store - 11min
Baffle Creek Tav - 11min
Agnes Water - 48min
Seventeen Seventy - 59min
Bundaberg CBD - 1hr 12min
Gladstone CBD - 1hr 37min

Call or email Scott Mackey / Spencer King today to secure this parcel of land before it's too late!

The information provided is for use as an estimate only and potential purchasers should make their own enquires to satisfy themselves of any matters. Property perimeter is an approximation only.

Sold $245,000


Inspection of this property is available strictly by arrangement only.
